Inmate Visitation

Onsite inmate video visitation is available in the lobby by way of six kiosks (one being ADA compliant). One free 20-minute visit per week is provided. Visitors may utilize the kiosks from 10:00am until 10:00pm every day of the week. Video visits are not allowed during meal or headcount times. Certain inmates may be restricted from video visitation due to disciplinary reasons.

You can also click on the Getting Out tab on the home page and set up a tablet account where the inmate can schedule a visit with family/friends via the tablet in their block to an outside source such as a home computer or cell phone.

Monday Bravo 1 7:00pm
2 7:30pm
3 8:00pm
4 8:30pm
5 9:00pm
Tuesday Charlie 1 7:00pm
2 7:30pm
3 8:00pm
4 8:30pm
5 9:00pm
6 9:30pm
Wednesday Delta 1 7:00pm
2 7:30pm
3 8:00pm
4 8:30pm
5 9:00pm
6 9:30pm
Thursday Echo 1 7:00pm
2 7:30pm
3 8:00pm
4 8:30pm
5 9:00pm
8 9:30pm
Friday Foxtrot (non worker) 1 7:00pm
2 7:30pm
3 8:00pm
Saturday *Alpha F4 9:00AM
*Alpha Block Only F5 10:00AM
3 8:00pm
Sunday **Work Programs F-4 9:00am
*Juveniles *F-5 10:00am
*Juveniles E-7 1:00pm
E-6 3:00pm
B-6 & B-7 7:00pm

B. Attorneys 7:30 am – 9:30 pm Monday through Sunday

C. Others

Clergy, religious volunteers, social workers and representatives of volunteer organizations may be granted visiting privileges in accordance with current procedures and schedules. Contact the Director of Treatment with any questions or to schedule a special visit time.

D. Holiday visiting will be prescribed according to staff mandates.

E. Former WTRJ Inmates are not permitted to visit other inmates in the Jail until 30 days have transpired since their release.

F. Inmates may decline visits by particular individuals, news media, etc.

G .Restrictions to Visiting:

Inmates in disciplinary segregation, cell restriction, medical isolation, close observation, or suicide watch will be denied personal visits with family or friends. This does not apply; however, to attorneys or court related personnel in the performance of their duty.

H.Visitors may not bring items for inmates. The Director of Security or Treatment may grant exceptions.